Accepted Insurance
Insurance is considered a method of reimbursing the patient for fees paid to the doctor, not a substitute for payment. As a courtesy to our patients, FAFP will submit claims for all insurance. For specific payment or benefits information, please contact your insurance company.
Patients must bring their current insurance card with them to every appointment to ensure proper billing. Our receptionists will ask to see the card at each visit. Co-payments are due at time of service.
France Avenue Family Physicians is contracted with the following insurance networks:
America's PPO (formerly Araz Group)
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota
Blue Plus - must say "France Avenue Family Physicians" on the card
Comprehensive Care Systems (CC Systems)
Minnesota Medical Assistance
Minnesota Comprehensive
Patients Choice (formerly Choice Plus)
Preferred One (PPO)
Preferred One Administrative Services - Must say "France Avenue Family Physicians" on the card
Preferred One Community Health Plan - Must say "France Avenue Family Physicians" on the card
Ucare - must say "France Avenue Family Physicians" on the card
United Healthcare
There are many insurances that use these networks. For instance, CBSA, Cigna, and Great West all use the Preferred One network for some of their plans. The network logo should be on your subscriber ID card. If you are unsure, please contact your insurance company.