Comprehensive Hearing Care is now a fully-integrated service at France Avenue Family Physicians
Part of Every Complete Exam
Basic hearing assessment is now included for every patient at France Avenue Family Physicians. For many patients (age 55+), a simple hearing screening (30-60 seconds) is part of the normal workup before you see the doctor. For patients who need a more in-depth test, comprehensive exams are provided as an extension of your complete annual physical.
All of these services are included as part of the complete annual care we provide to our patients. No charge.
Though the program focuses on patients age 55+ (where hearing issues occur most frequently), it is open to every adult patient at France Avenue Family Physicians. If you are dealing with hearing problems yourself or suspect a problem with a family member, please tell anyone on our practice team. We will be happy to schedule a comprehensive exam.
World Class Equipment and Technology
We are proud to offer state-of-the-art testing equipment and full product lines from 4 of the finest hearing technology companies in the world. If you have a hearing problem, it is our objective to meet any performance and price specifications you may have.
GN ReSound
Did You Know?
Untreated hearing loss has been linked to:
Clinical depression
Acceleration of Alzheimer’s and dementia
Anger management problems
Social withdrawal and isolation
Negative effects on physical, cognitive, behavioral and social function
Arthritis, Hypertension and Hearing Loss are the 3 most common chronic medical problems in the world
Hearing loss is the most commonly undiagnosed and untreated of the three
In other words, hearing loss has a profound effect on our ability to connect, communicate and function in the world around us
Hearing is Vital
Our brains are wired to process pictures and sound every minute of every day. When a key input is lost or severely diminished, it can have a profoundly negative effect on the ability to interact with the world around us. As time goes by, hearing function predictably deteriorates for many patients. In many cases, the inner ear is simply wearing out from time and a lifetime of exposure to noise. It is important to identify these changes as they occur and to track them year-to-year.