DOT Physicals

What are DOT physicals?
Federal law requires drivers of commercial motor vehicles (DMVs) to receive regular physical examinations. These exams are defined as the “Department of Transportation Medical Examinations.” DOT physicals are highly regulated for the drivers’ safety. They detect physical, mental, and emotional issues that can affect a driver’s ability to safely drive a commercial vehicle. DOT medical examiners are specially trained to understand the regulations and prevent drivers from being inappropriately disqualified.
Why did the FMCSA regulations change?
Driving a commercial motor vehicle means long, hard hours on the road. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has updated the Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations to better reflect the physical demands drivers face and to help them be safer on the job. The new regulations require all medical examiners performing DOT physicals to:
Be trained and certified in the FMCSA standards;
Report exam results monthly to the FMCSA.
How can FAFP help?
Our DOT physicals are performed by board-certified, NRCME-certified clinicians who average 14 years of experience in medicine. Dr. Johnson and Suzy Runkel are both certified in the FMCSA standards at our clinic.
There is a form on our website for anyone seeking a DOT physical. Please print and answer the patient questions on the form and bring them to your visit. DOT Physical Form
Unless we are contracted with your employer, you will be expected to pay for the visit at the time of service. Patients will be provided with a receipt for reimbursement by their employer.