Credit Collection Policy
Thank you for choosing France Avenue Family Physicians for your medical care. The credit and billing policy is designed to explain our collection practices. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Our physicians and ancillary providers participate in many insurance plans and we will submit claims to these companies on your behalf. Since every insurance plan is different, please check with your insurance carrier to get specific coverage and payment information.
Please present a copy of your current insurance card at each visit. In order to extend credit, we will need your social security number and picture ID. Your insurance carrier requires that we collect co-payments prior to your visit. Co-payments are always due at time of service.
If you do not have insurance you will be required to pay for your services on the day of service. We will provide you with a 15% discount.
Your insurance company will determine what amount, if any, you owe to France Avenue Family Physicians. If there is a balance due on your account, we will mail a detailed statement which is due upon receipt. For your convenience, we accept cash, money orders, and Visa/Mastercard. A fee of $ 30 will be charges for all returned checks.
Any balance over 60 days may be placed with a collections agency and/or reported to the Credit Bureau. Ultimately, this may affect your credit rating. Therefore, if for any reason you are unable to settle your account within 30 days, it is imperative that you contact our business office. Do not assume that any statement you receive will be paid by your insurance company.
If your account is placed with an outside collection agency, you will be charged the full amount of collections fees, attorney fees and allowable court costs. Please note that placement with an outside agency may cause us to terminate your care with our office.
Many of our laboratory tests are sent out to a third party reference lab. As a result you may receive a bill from the reference lab for those tests.
We make every effort to resolve insurance issues, but please remember that you are ultimately responsible for your healthcare costs.
Our business office is available to assist you with your billing questions and can be reached directly at 952-831-1139.